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Girls open those gorgeous ears for the men in your life and forward them this article! For whoever does the BBQ'ing and likes instant gratification when it comes to your food, this is for you! I am so excited to introduce you to the amazing company that my friend started, Stellar Meats! With a passion for meats and the love of endless ...
Memorial Day is quickly approaching, which means yummy drinks are on the horizon! Raspberry Lemonade. You can pretty much make this recipe with any fruit you choose, but I just love raspberry ANYTHING! Mix this concoction up and even add some vodka or wine to it if you would like!  The mason jars add a charming and fun vibe to the colorful ...
Hi beauty! It's time to start prepping those delish meals for your Memorial Day BBQ! Being a huge foodie and lover of anything I can eat with my hands, I scoured the web to find you some easy, amazingly yummy finger treats that will be sure to impress at your next BBQ shindig. Berries and Goat Cheese Mini Pizzas. This recipe makes my mouth ...
Thinking of an ice cream truck actually brings me back to a young childhood memory that has completely scarred me for life. Being one of the very few girls on a block amongst wild, active groups of boys, I was always one of them. Playing street hockey, dirt biking through our backyards, and playing baseballā€¦ahh the good 'ole days. One day ...


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